While Rothco CNC Tooling Systems offers a complete range of tools and tooling solutions to address any wood, plastic or non-ferrous metal application; we specialize in serving several large market segments.

Rothco CNC Tooling offers the industries most complete selection of high precision tools and tooling solutions for manufacturing fine quality CabinetryPassage doors and American and European style wood Windows. In addition to the finest saw blades in the industry, Rothco CNC Tooling offers the most precise insert tooling system available. Rothco CNC Tooling ProfilCut Insert Tooling Systems proprietary design positively locates the highly polished fine grain carbide inserts in two planes, which provides the very tightest cutting tolerances possible. The tight tolerances, fine grade polished inserts and independent shear angles provide unmatched finish quality, perfected profile control and exceptional service life. The end result is perfected cut quality, reduced sanding, optimized production, exceptional profile fit and the finest CabinetsWindows and Doors possible.

Rothco CNC Tooling continues to be a dominate provider of tooling solutions for the production of engineered and natural wood Flooring. Our ongoing partnership with the largest flooring producers in the world is due to our ability to provide the most efficient and precise tooling systems available. Rothco CNC Tooling utilizes high precision diamond and insert tools to maintain the extremely tight manufacturing tolerances required by our flooring partners.

Rothco CNC Tooling has a long history in the Office and Residential Furniture industry. The great majority of our product line was developed for and is dedicated to furniture production. Top furniture producers world wide have long relied on Rothco CNC Tooling to provide high quality tools and tooling solutions exactly matched to their specific designs and production needs.

Rothco CNC Tooling is fast winning favor with Aluminum Foundries & Extruders nation-wide. Rothco CNC Tooling offers a level of cutting tool technology and innovation which has caught the attention of the largest aluminum based manufactures in the country. We are currently enjoying tremendous success with robotics based manufacturing and assisting many customers transition from low-tech to highly efficient processing.

Rothco CNC Tooling Wigo division is an industry leading provider of tooling solutions to the plastics and composite materials markets. New advances in plastics and composite materials offer manufactures new raw material options, and present new processing challenges. Rothco CNC Tooling Wigo is well positioned to meet the needs of this rapidly growing and changing market.

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